
about us

Escolift is the first specialized reference for gearless elevators in Isfahan province.

This complex is a supplier of elevator parts, escalators and lifts. In the early 90's, this complex started providing services by producing mechanical parts for elevators and identifying domestic and foreign brands and supplying parts in full at a reasonable price. We started with a personal brand (Esna Ashar) and over time we were able to gain the trust of many experts and official institutions.


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EScolift is the first specialized reference for gearless elevators in Isfahan province.

In this collection, we try to bring the most prominent elevator brands of Europe and Asia to the customer with the guarantee of quality and price of parts and the shortest possible time. The goal of EScolift is a healthy and quality competition in the elevator class of the country.

The top features of EScolift can be:

  • Professional team set
  • Quality of elevator parts
  • Price guarantee and cost-effectiveness
  • And the most important feature is the introduction of the best elevator packs Cited.